We protect the environment by certification: On request, we offer our customers climate-neutral services. To do this, we calculate the expected individual CO2 emission specifically for the customer or the transport based on available trip data. If our customer wants to make use of climate-neutral services, we acquire the climate certificate for the transport, and thus offset 100% of the emissions.
The proceeds from the certificates flow into sustainable projects in developing and emerging countries, which has been shown to lead to a reduction in gases that are harmful to the climate and without which the emission reduction would not have been realised. The sustainability agency “Climate Extender” (set link) has checked our procedure and confirmed the resilience.
With the help of a digital platform specially developed for this purpose, we can map all transports in an emission-neutral manner. The sustainable offer is available to all customers and is possible for individual trips as well as entire annual volumes. Changes and bookings are possible at any time.
Do you want to switch to 100% green logistics? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can reduce your ecological footprint and improve your company’s environmental balance.