Schuon Transportlogistik Megatrailer

Safely in the saddle: Megatrailer vehicle – up to 24 t payload

Our megatrailer vehicles with an internal height of 3 m and total volume of 100 m3 have a contiguous loading surface, so they require only one ramp. Their stable design provides them with an extremely high point load, which makes them suitable for transporting heavy machines, tools, pipes and coils. Megatrailers are extremely popular in automotive deliveries.

Our vehicles have a special permit that allows them to carry loads of up to 30 t. These vehicles are used when the goods transported cannot be divided into several rounds. The vehicles can also be used for shipments with a width of up to 3 m based on a permanent permit.             

  • Length of loading surface: 13.60 m
  • Internal height: 3.00 m
  • Internal width: 2.48 m
  • Total volume: 100 m3
  • Payload: 24 t
  • Pallet spaces: 34

Loading sketches

Megatrailer bis 24 to Nutzlast


Lifting roof / Edscha roof / Quick sheeting

Trailer exchange